Diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak
Diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak

diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak

And did I just hear Yuki Kaiji? His career, why is he doing this to it? Woah, are there 6 douchefucks or am I confusing them with each other, on the count of all their rapey bullshit? At least this guy looks like he is too lazy to do anything.

diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak

So there is an asshole rapist with an ego, a cold cunt who doesn't give two shits, a fedora wearing hipster douchefuck wannabe rapist, and emo voyeur cuntnozzle with a fucking teddy bear (arent these asswads in highschool?) and roidrage randy shitstain rapist asswipe. Oh wow, #5 is an abusive cunt with anger management issues, lovely. Oh I remember, I've got to bitch about how ridiculous shitty this is and how the fuck did this get greenlighted? Which deprived fucking fanbase funds this shit? Fuck. isn't her creep meter going haywire?!?!?!Ħ minutes into this shit and I'm wondering why I haven't thrown my monitor out the window. Now they are all fighting over who gets to rape her first, as casually as Yumeria shits all over the entire medium. SERIOUSLY, WHY ALL THE FUCKING LICKING?!?!?!? These creepers really have their sneaky shit mastered. Where did emo-fuck Nightmare from Fairy Tail reject wannabe asswad #4 come from? Fuck that him and his teddy bear, little bitch. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH ALL THE LICKING? WHAT WOMAN IS TURNED ON BY DOUCHECUNT RAPIST CORPSES?!?!?!įuck whoever came up with this shit. Sleazfuck #3, he looks like a real lady killer. What fucking father sends his daughter to a rapist house full of shitheaded asswipe rapist corpses?!?!?! And he has the nerve to give her a nickname? Pancake? Are you fucking kidding me? except he isn't and is also quite the cunt. Oh and Bishie cuntfuck #2 arrives to save the day. first off hes a fucking corpse and then hes an asshat douchecunt to the 4th power, then hes a rapist. I wanted to vomit, especially after the licking. Starts in with an asshat attitude, bitches at the girl for trying to help him because his heart stopped (or was never beating, vampire and all) then he grabs her throws her onto the couch and says hes going to take her Well 3 minutes in and the douchefuck isn't even trying to hide his douchefuckery. The lightning as the door opened was great too. The music during that part fit and the segment itself wasn't bad until all that blatant cgi shat over the mood. Now I'm just talking about the ride up as the opening credits were rolling giving birds eye views of the Manor in between different shots of the main chick. The intro wasn't too bad, almost like a classic mystery/horror movie.

Diabolik lovers episode 1 anime freak